Tuesday, May 15, 2012

More Stuff

    I have to wonder if getting older makes a person more politically minded or do we just buy into one big lie? I say lie because many of the bills and laws that get passed get no say at all from the general public, it seems to be more people pick a side much like they pick a sports team mainly to see something they have no control over as a win for their side. This also brings me to something that was brought up I do not take a solid stand on issues and it’s true. I have for many years always heard look at things from a different perspective and by trying to do that it makes it hard to not see things from all sides. And recently I have offended some long time friends with some pictures I have shared and yes it was for the intent of pissing certain people off not them. And like most plans it went to shit and there was collateral damage. I know what it’s like to have your beliefs attacked or feel like they are, it sucks but people will be people and not think before they open their mouths or in this day and age click a button.

      With that said most of the pictures I posted were mainly because they struck me as amusing and showed some of the silly things that get said and often is contradictory. The whole deal really started when I found a picture that was making the comparison between wanting to ban abortion and support of the death penalty. Now this picture also said stuff about supporting abortion but not the death penalty. Well I had a person who has since been deleted/blocked use the eloquent phrase of “fucking liberal dumbass” now what I find silly is that pic had no agenda it was just showing the contradictions from both sides. Well due to that intelligent response from this well rounded conservative, Christian, Republican it was all on their profile next to the pictures of them drinking and random shared photos of half naked women I decided to find pictures and the like to get really under their skin. I hate hypocrisy and I like most in this world am very guilty of it myself.  Like I said earlier I know what it feels to have what I stand for attacked and to feel ridiculed and I often attack back to the ones that did it and sadly I end up lumping people all in the same category.

     Ok now I want to state what issues I do stand for and it’s a mixed bag I’m neither fully liberal nor conservative.
Gun Control: There are enough good laws that work on the books if they were enforced. I am all for people being armed, but let’s be honest there are some people out there do not need a gun. There is no need to overtax, ban gun, or any of that crap a gun is a tool just like a hammer or knife in the wrong hands that tool can be misused.
Gay Marriage: I honestly believe that most of this issue is over the word marriage. I read in one of my text books that many times you can take an issue and reword it to get people to support it. Notice nobody seems to have an issue with the term civil union, but say marriage and boom instant issue. This issue offends sensibilities; well sadly that has no effect on the daily life of people against it. Reality TV offends my sensibilities but they just keep making more of the damn things.

Abortion: I’d rather it be legal and regulated than have it done in a dangerous fashion. I personally only think it should be done in the cases of rape, incest, or it’s a danger to the health of the mother.  

Taxes: Ok the rich should be taxed just like everybody else. Saying that doing that hurts job creation is bullshit they don’t pay the same taxes as regular people now so….where are the jobs? Also we are asking rich people to tax themselves….yeah ok these are the same politicians that get to vote to give themselves raises. People who live from paycheck to paycheck are already getting boned, for example here in Georgia a person pays social security, federal income tax, state income tax, and sales tax. Not to mention property tax, and when you go to get car tags you are charged by how new the car is. So really why these people should get off easy?

Social Security: Yes the system is broken because politicians broke it. I hear people calling it a hand out…how is it a hand out when you pay for it out of your check every week?

Welfare: This one is tricky, the system gets abused like any other program and that hurts people who do need it. If a person loses their job and like now has a hard time finding another job, things like Medicaid and food stamps really help to keep people going. But then you have those who live in public housing, get food stamps and Medicaid but have the newest phones, drive cars with paint jobs worth more than some people’s car. I have seen where a few states want to do drug testing before people can get on any of these programs and I fully support that.

Violent Games: There is a rating system in place Gamestop and Wal-Mart both check IDs so parents stop buying the damn things for your kids if they bother you. There is no excuse but laziness to say that the current ratings system doesn’t work get online and look up a game a child wants, or read the box that has the rating and contents on both the front and back. Also hey explain things your kids sees as opposed to just wanting something regulated more, be a damn parent.

Piracy: Another silly issue. For one I do not see any pirate ships docked and saying yarrrr and arrrr when downloading music. I have done it with music and some movies because well tired of dropping 20 bucks on a CD for one song, this way I listen and if I like the thing then I’ll buy same for movies I have bought many that I have seen on stream sites or snagged because again why pay 20 bucks for crap when, you can preview it then buy.

     Some of these I see as just things to distract people from what goes on, the old bait and switch. It’s not like this society is getting dumbed down I mean damn people we have to keep track of The Jersey Shore, The Real Housewives, and the train wreck known as Lindsy Lohan….who has time for things that affect society?!

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