Well the election is only a few days away and some will be watching it
like others do sports. And guess what? There is no difference, this election is
not about any issues that have a quick fix or will ever get fixed they have
been part of each election that I can remember and the only new thing is gay
rights but that is just a continuation of any rights movement ever and it gives
us common folk something to argue about and distract us from the fact that a
president can only do as much as congress and the house will allow. Now I will
admit that I think of myself as an Independent but tend to agree more with
Democrats on some issues. Republicans annoy me more for various reasons and a
lot of those reasons have popped up in this election. Do we need to mention the
rape comments? Or how it seems that every five minutes Romney seems to change
his mind or say something insulting? Let’s all be honest he was the best of a
weak batch he has ran before and could not even get close to the nomination.
What we have right now in this country is a deep division along
pointless political lines about issues that for the most part do not affect
anyone on a personal basis. For one thing gay marriage has zero effect on
anybody but gays. The institution of marriage only works when the people
involved make it that way, it only has religious implications if made that way,
it’s a contract with the state and until people have to go through a church to
get a license that is all it truly is today. Abortion is fine as it is keep it licensed
and legal and out of the hands of these out of touch old men. Seriously what
anti-abortion people do not get is this all the fighting about the right to be
born is pointless moral jibber jabber. I personally feel that if it affects the
health of the mother, or the case is rape or incest then by all mean go for it.
But it is not a form of contraception, we have too many idiots having children and
then these poor kids are getting thrown into a very broken system it’s almost
like those who make a big stink about all of it do not care past that. Face it
folks some people just do not need to have kids. Same thing for guns …enforce
the laws we have...because much like with children there are quite a few out
there that do not need a gun.
Yes this country is full of
stupid people and in today’s society they all seem to get reality shows. Yes people used to we have at least one show
on a night that was good now…..well we have Here Comes Honey-Boo-Boo.
Personally the only nights I watch TV are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday the
rest of the time I watch movies or read. I have paid more attention to this
election a bit more due mostly to the sheer douchebaggery that I have seen
coming from both sides…I have to say the Republicans are winning at that and
the Dems maybe saying some stupid shit as well but come on you cannot get much
worse than the rape comments that have to make the moderate Republicans cringe
and do a face palm and give endless ammunition to the other side. Its comments
like that in a sane world would make them lose valuable seats not to mention
make Republicans look a lot like the assholes in The Middle East. Any group is
judged by what can be called the bad apples and that is a lot of the reason
people see Republicans are utter nut jobs.
Democrats are no better I do not believe that everybody needs his or her
hand held or what people eat regulated. I don’t believe every little thing
should be regulated, some stuff needs to be but not so much it cannot function.
All either party truly is, are out of
touch puppets in suits. People say oh Obama didn’t fix the economy in four
years…did anyone really expect years of decline to magically fix itself? You
have Romney saying how he’ll add jobs but at the same time saying the
government doesn’t make jobs, and blasting Obama for not making more…yeahhhhhhhhh.
Romney also has said he’ll fix the economy in 8-10 years but Obama gets bitched
at for not doing it sooner. Damn people anybody who has ever even played a strategy
game knows if your economy goes bust it takes forever to get it going again.
Wanna know a secret? What really messed this economy up is NAFTA and all the
loopholes and breaks businesses got for outsourcing. And this wasn’t Bush or
Obama’s fault Bush did not help it much he just sped up the inevitable of what
was about 20 years in the making. And the main fault lies in the house and
congress because they are the ones who really say yes and no to everything, and
most of the ones who helped this country into the shape it’s in are still
sitting there.
Who will win this one? I think Obama because let’s be honest when it
comes right down to it polls mean nothing if Obama has kept just a fraction of
the support he had when elected he’ll win. I can see it being close but in the
end Romney is just not that strong of a candidate.