Monday, June 2, 2014

Random Video Game Crap.

    Ok it’s been a bit since I have really written anything, not that anybody ever reads this crap but hell I at this moment really have nothing better to do. I want to talk video games for a bit so here is a little review on Dark Souls, I had been curious about this game for a while but I was not going to shell out however much it actually costs to play a game whose whole marketing was about how many times you will die, so when it popped up as one of Xbox Live’s freebies I snagged it and played it for a bit. It blows ass, first all of the class choices are the same nothing really seems to set them apart at all, the story is ok but really flat and the minimal voice acting is very wooden. What makes this game so hard is the controls are wonky and it’s damned hard to line up an attack, everything does more damage than you it’s not like the baddies use tactics they are just jacked up in power and between that and a dull story that I don’t care enough to see it progress overall doesn’t make for a fun experience. The DLC for State f Decay called Lifeline is damn hard as well and a challenge but also fun to play, I have died or messed up a mission quite often since I got this Friday but still plugging away at it. There seems to be a lack of anything really good to play currently you would think that something worth a damn would pop up somewhere, RPG wise there is nothing till October when Dragon Age Inquisition comes out and this is only the second game I have ever pre-ordered (Mass Effect 3 was the last) I even went for the deluxe edition lol. I love Dragon Age, I even liked Dragon Age 2 for what it was hell, I like most everything Bioware puts out so I wait and complain about having nothing really to play for a few months because I am a damn snob when it comes to games and damnit I am not going to drop anymore cash on crap games (looking at you Defiance you bastard). Another thing I hate about games is watching or even being in the same room with a kid playing one. I either want to play it for them or just wish they would shut up while playing them…geez the computer is not impressed by your trash talk. And heaven forbid one gets on voice…almost makes you wish you were the character in the first scene of an episode of Supernatural. My lovely wife has me jealous currently a friend of hers gifted her  a copy of Diablo 3 so they had a good teammate to play with. I sit here either playing a Dragon Age game to unlock obscure achievements or looking through all my games hoping for something to  pass the time with…and she gets the new shiny lol, but she deserves it…hell I may not see the light of day after October 7th but damn the wait!!! 

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