Monday, June 2, 2014

Adventures in Retail

   I have recently started my adventure in retail and frankly I cannot stand it. It’s not the work or the people I work with (well the district manager is a total jackass), it’s the damned customers. Not all but the vast majority of the people that come in seem to lose any common sense or intelligence they may have had as soon as they walk in. They seem to believe the cashiers make all the prices or can shuffle around a policy just for them…sorry slapnuts that cannot happen nobody is going to alter anything so you can save a damn quarter and put their job at risk. The old saying the customer is always right is utter horse shit, it’s really the customer is always an asshole! One type that always annoys me is the one who piddles around for an hour and then looks all impatient because you were off doing another part of your job when they finally decide to check out and it takes you a whole 30 seconds to get to them, then they realize in their piddling they forgot something and run off…then come back and take another few minutes to dig their money or card out of the utter chaos that is their purse and or pocket. Oh and the one who decides they can give exact change after you have already handed them back change. It is sadly continuous and happens all day long, don’t get me wrong most are decent humans but damn the morons seem to be the majority. I thought taking this job may help me in dealing with the general public and maybe lessening my intense dislike for people…NOPE! If anything it has just reinforced the reason I try to avoid people as much as possible, and makes me really rethink being a councilor later on. Remember people those who work in stores are not your damn slaves or beneath you in any way just poor slobs doing what they have to get by in this bad economy and have to deal with some of the most ignorant people both customers and management have to offer.

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