Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Insert title here.

    I know that I do not write much on this blog, which is mainly because I am not sure if anybody really reads it. I write to try and get a good discussion going with somebody from both sides of an issue but so far I get more with random posts on Facebook. But I have a lot of random thoughts rattling around in the attic like ghosts on a coke high so let’s get them out.
      Of course the big issue in the news is gun control which is a distraction and an easy fix or band-aid to give people the illusion that those we have elected know what in the hell to do when a tragedy such as the recent shooting occurs. The truth is there is no easy fix what purpose is banning any type of gun going to really serve? From the news reports if they are to be believed the mother of the guy who shot those kids already had them…so what does the government think? That every single person planning one of these goes out and buys them all just before committing the crime?  Look at the last two cases of mass shootings both had mental issues that were known and in the Sandy Hook case I ask if a person has a mental issue that can cause anger issues as well do you as their caretaker keep a small arsenal in the house? The guy from the theater was reported by his therapist as being a possible threat…yet those above her in rank say we can’t do anything.   So instead of focusing on what factors caused this everybody goes for the tool that was used and in doing so gave the idjits on both sides of this debate something more to divide and argue about. First can the whole Red Dawn fantasy about you and your trusty pop gun holding off the military, and I have even heard people talk about how the military would turn on the government if for some reason guns were going to be completely taken away. Despite the fantasy folks the military would side with the people signing their checks and that could put them away for very long periods of time. The military would not as a whole would not turn and should that happen…oh look the government called in our allies. Face it folks all you could do is bitch and gripe and should you decide to call all Rambo you will be dead or in jail and welcome to being part of the problem.
  The same goes for the in need an AR-15..or insert a assault weapon type here that is needed to defend you and yours from a person breaking in. First are you that damn bad of a shot (applies for hunting too) that you need 30 rounds to hit the target? What can this gun do that a pistol or shot gun cannot? I can see if a person is a collector and takes these types out to shoot for fun that I get, but past that no. And for the record I like guns and the only reasons I have not bought the ones I really want is that it’s too damn expensive and I am not sure what use I would have for a Russian sniper rifle. But I am not for banning anything , we see how well making things illegal and banning stuff has worked in the past….ok lawn darts and lead paint are exceptions to that. It never works need I remind anyone on how well that whole War On Drugs thing is working out? It will not stop anyone from getting a certain type of gun be it the good guys or bad guys, hell you can buy anything online or hell I bet I could place an ad in the paper and have somebody wanting to sell me an AK-47. There is no easy fix folks in order to even go down that road we as a society would have to peel back all of the crap that has been shoved into our heads and look at issues that we cannot have somebody make a law for things like mental health and how much a therapist can report without fear of losing their license or being sued if they feel a person is a threat to others. In a few cases a kid was picked on until he felt he had no other course of action and frankly this whole get over it thing is a crock of shit kids get picked on to the point that lashing out is all they feel they can do and when it happens we have people wondering…what happened oh…it’s the gun, music, video game, media’s fault, or books fault.  These are all just easy things to blame, I as a child and adult played violent games. When I was a kid we all played war, cops and robbers, and cowboys and Indians then on to Dungeons and Dragons and of course right into video games which when I was a child were still in their infancy and despite all of this violence that I have seen, read, and acted out not once did I even think about going and killing a bunch of people because of it. I was also picked on but this was back in a time when two kids would get into a very sad little fist fight and be friends two days later. Maybe I just didn’t notice if all of this hate we see on a daily basis now was there or if it has become worse because all of these hateful ass people have so many ways to spew their verbal diarrhea 24/7.
   The main thing that has ever made me want to go on a mass shooting is seeing people like The Westburo Baptist Church be allowed to spew their message and nothing being done about it because it is their right…now here is where the real bullshit starts….where are the rights people at the funeral to not have to hear this? We can say whatever we want but people have no right to not hear it. The WBC is no different from all of the other groups out there that spew hate against one group or the other but for some reason they are tax exempt and get all of the lovely benefits from being a church. It’s quite the double edged sword we have the “right” to say what we want but not the “right” to be protected from groups like this. It’s a problem where do one person’s rights end and the other person’s rights begin? And if all of these “rights” we supposedly have are for everybody why are there people still fighting to get the same ones others already have? It’s almost like the words all men are created equal has a asterisk excluding people and I have to say how can owing a gun be a God given right when back when the Bible was written they didn’t exist? I am certainly not aware of any updated version and honestly if you read the book the only real right you have is the right to sit down, shut up, and do what you are told.  Annnnnd while this may look like I am anti-gun which I am not if there is the commandment of thou shalt not kill which is indeed quite clear would God give the right to anyone to own a tool that can do just that to a lot of folks at once. If you are going to make an argument make it sound at least plausible and not a bunch of random crap that makes you look just like the stereotype that makes whatever belief or group you are in look like a bunch of nuts. 

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